World-leading learning and development programs for educational settings.
Teacher resilience is critical to the profession as research tells us that teachers can experience significant stress and mental health issues. Additionally, teachers are one of the major socialisation agencies for students so it is critical they role model resilience.
This evidence-based program shows teachers how to develop an adaptive mindset for resilience as well as how to develop it in students, peers and direct reports. Each participant completes a multi-rater assessment of their resilience which enables them to identify their resilience strengths and capitalise on them. This is a one-day program is the only one of its kind globally that uses a multi-rater assessment to determine resilience.
This program is designed to be delivered by accredited teachers and school psychologists / counsellors but can also be delivered by the Social Intelligence Group.
Delivery options
Key outcomes:
Target Audience:
Teachers, leading teachers, senior leadership.
Additional Information:
Teaching for Results shows teachers how to let go of their natural biases that get in the way of their effectiveness when working with students, peers, parents and direct reports. The program shows teachers how to use a psychometrically valid approach to behaviourally profile those they work with so that they know how to adjust their behaviour to create mutually productive relationships. The program shows teachers how to achieve this by focusing on the TRACOM Group SOCIAL STYLE and Versatility concepts.
Interpersonal skills have been shown to be one of the critical success factors for teachers. However, most teachers do not receive training on this critical skill. The key outcome of the program is that the teachers will know precisely what to do to be more effective with students, peers, parents and direct reports.
This program is designed to be delivered by accredited teachers and school psychologists / counsellors but can also be delivered by the Social Intelligence Group.
As part of this program, each participant completes the multi-rater assessment of their SOCIAL STYLE & Versatility.
Delivery options
Key outcomes:
Target Audience:
All teaching staff and leadership.
Additional Information: